
Creating our own Database

Table of contents

What Database Schema ?

Database schema defines how data is organized within a relational database; this is inclusive of logical constraints such as, table names, fields, data types and the relationships between these entities.

Create database schema

$ vim schema.sql

write in your schema file

        "id" INTEGER,
        "title" TEXT NOT NULL,
        "accesion_number"  TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE,
        "acquired" NUMERIC,
        PRIMARY KEY("id")

Now create database

$ sqlite3 mfa.db

Import schmea in our database

.read schema.sql

To read what’s inside schmea file


So we are ready to to insert our data

Inserting Data

INSERT INTO "collection" ("id", "title", "accesion_number", "acquired")
VALUES (1,'art of swordship','32.43','2024-28-09');

You can see inserted data by

SELECT * FROM "collection"


1|art of swordship|32.43|2024-28-09

Export as .csv

Change mode to csv

.mode csv
.output mfa.csv
.header on 
SELECT * FROM "collection";

Headers: Use the .header on command before the query to include column names as the first row in the CSV file


1,"art of swordship",32.43,2024-28-09
2,"art of fighting",22.43,2024-28-02

Import as .csv

we hava mfa.csv

3,"art doing hardwork",892.43,2024-18-09
4,"Life is always ok",92.93,2024-29-0

To import in our database

.import --csv --skip 1 mfa.csv collection

collection is table name

--csv is output formate

--skip 1 is for igonore first row

To check you datbase is updated you can use SELECT query

SELECT * FROM "colllection"

Import data file (mfa.csv) without id value


"art of swordship",32.43,2024-28-09
"art of fighting",22.43,2024-28-02
"art doing hardwork",892.43,2024-18-09
"Life is always ok",92.93,2024-29-09

To import in data file in database

.import --csv mfa.csv temp

Here we store in tempoary table after we will insert this data into collection table

INSERT INTO "collection" ("title","accesion_number","acquired")
SELECT "title", "accesion_number", "acquired" FROM "temp" ;

Now you can check

SELECT * FROM "collection"


1|art of swordship|32.43|2024-28-09
2|art of fighting|22.43|2024-28-02
3|art doing hardwork|892.43|2024-18-09
4|Life is always ok|92.93|2024-29-09

Deleting Data

To delete all rows in table

DELETE FROM "collection"

To Delete at speific range

DELETE FROM "collection" WHERE "id" >2

it will delete all rows which is greater than 2

To Delete Table

DROP TABLE "collection"

Consider now an updated schema for the MFA database, containing information not just about artwork but also artists. The two entities Artist and Collection have a many-to-many relationship—a painting can be created by many artists and a single artist can also create many pieces of artwork.

theme logo

The artists and collections tables have primary keys. The created table references these IDs in its two foreign key columns.

Updating Data

Here is the syntax of the update command.

theme logo

There are two ways of writing query Let’s change this affiliation for “Profusion of flowers” in the created table using the above syntax.

 UPDATE "created"  SET "artist_id" = '3' WHERE "collection_id" = '3'


UPDATE "created" SET "artist_id"= (
 SELECT "id" FROM "artists"
WHERE "name" = 'Qian Weicheng'
WHERE "collection_id" = (
SELECT "id" FROM "collections"
WHERE "title" = 'Profusion of flowers'


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